ACOTW Animal Club Of The World

This is the page that is all about Equines! There are hundreds of horse breeds out there so I will only tell you of a few.

The Arabian is said to be the oldest breed of horse in the world(I don't know if that is true or not) the Arabian has beautiful conformation with a dished nose and curved neck the Arabian has improved many breeds of horse and pony. The Arabian comes in many colors gray, black, dun, buckskin,sorrel, roans, and many more but they can not be palomino why? because they do not have the diluting gene to be palomino a palomino is a diluted chestnut while a cremello is a diluted palomino.
Arabians are a bit tall for a riding horse they are used for many competitions reining, hunter, show jumping, dressage, barrel racing, pole bending, harness, you name it they do it.

The Quarter Horse is one of the oldest breeds in North America they where developed in New England for a good strong riding horse they where developed in the 1700 hundreds they come in every horse color imaginable they can do any type of competition I know you just picture a Quarter Horse in western tack but some really good English riding horses where Quarter Horses! Quarter Horse Are really nice some of them have the smoothest gait possible while others are so rough you wish you where riding a boat in a rough sea!!!!!!!!!!!     